
For matters of privacy not all information of this actor is visible here. Do you want to contact or have more info about this actor for your production? Register here or log in.


Name Jorik
» actor
Nationality Dutch
Lives in The Netherlands
Social media
Visible only to producers
Height 1m94 (UK: 6ft4)
Eye colour gray green
Hair colour brown
Hair length medium long
Confection size 58
Board 43-44 cm
Tops-size XXL
Jeans size 38/34
Shoe size 46
Acting age between age 20 and 40
Disciplines movies, theatre, musical, voice actor, voice-over, stunts, training actor
Productions film, short movie, student movie, exam movie, 48 hours film, company movie, videoclip, television, internet, stage, theatre, commercial, filmfestival movie, photography
Completed trainings Theatreschool De Trap, Amsterdam, other, see bio
Followed workshops Verschillende CREA workshops
Works as.. professional actor
Experience 2 years of experience
Experience level experienced
Self employed? ja
Has a VAR/WUO declaration? nee
Works internationally? ja
Speaks the following languages: German, English, French, Dutch
Accepts paid assignments? ja
Accepts unpaid assignments? ja
Has the following driving licenses: AM: moped, B: car
Hobbies American Football, Golf, Wielrennen, Muziek


Jorik van der Veen begon in december 2012 met acteren na het volgen van een weekend workshop bij CREA Amsterdam rond de voorstelling NORA van Toneelgroep Amsterdam. Gemot.. Read more? Log in first


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Work experience (11)

year type genre title part director producer
2013 film action comedy Feuten het Feestje ME'er Lourens Blok Pupkin Film
2014 student movie other Timber Guiness Laras Reinstar Nederlandse Film Academie
2013 student movie thriller Sympathie voor de Duivel Barend/Agent/Duivel Guus Voorham, Freek Henkes Guus Voorham
2013 exam movie thriller Buitenlust Herman Rene van Barneveld Lize Gertsen
2013 exam movie drama Onder Mijn Huid Peter Mathieu Gremillet Bouke Boneschansker, Arjen Compagne
2013 48 hours film drama Verloren Valentijn Valentijn Sven Cocu Sven Cocu
2013 television drama Penoza III Handlanger van Berry Diederik Van Rooijen NL Film
2013 television drama Overspel in de Liefde 2.10 Roy Beussink Erik Eijgensteijn SteppingStone
2013 internet comedy Scary Movie Prank Boze Vriend RedChocolat
2013 commercial other Carlsberg Every Breath Supporter
2013 commercial other Randstad Wij vinden een Oplossing Verpleger/Vrachtwagenchauffeur Ismael PinkRabbit

Training (4)

year type training name trainer(s)
2013-2014 Acteeropleiding De Jaargang Kemna Training o.a. Bert Geurkink, Martin Schwab, Flip Filz, Halina Reijn, Ben Maasdam
2013 Acteeropleiding Vooropleiding De Trap Nelleke Zitman, David Goddyn
2013 Acteeropleiding CREA Theater 2 Puck van Dijk
2013 Acteeropleiding CREA Stanislavsky Internationaal Arnika Elsendoorn

Workshops I followed (2)

year type workshop name trainer(s)
2013 Acteren CREA TGA workshop Nora Janna de Lathouder
2013 Acteren CREA TGA workshop De Feeks Ilon Lodewijks



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