
For matters of privacy not all information of this actor is visible here. Do you want to contact or have more info about this actor for your production? Register here or log in.


Name Robert-Paul
» actor
Nationality Dutch
Lives in The Netherlands
Social media
Visible only to producers
Height 0m1 (UK: 0ft0)
Eye colour blue
Hair colour blonde
Hair length short
Confection size 48
Tops-size S
Jeans size 29/32
Head size 53 cm
Shoe size 41
Acting age between age 25 and 38
Disciplines movies, theatre, voice actor, voice-over
Productions film, short movie, student movie, exam movie, 48 hours film, television, internet, stage, theatre, commercial
Completed trainings Toneelacademie Maastricht
Followed workshops Laban - Guy Sonnen, Viewpoint - Rob Salden, Clowns - Nader Farman, Comedia dell arte - Loes Hegger, Camera acteren met Frans Weisz, Acrobatiek
Works as.. professional actor
Experience 8 years of experience
Experience level professional
Self employed? ja
Has a VAR/WUO declaration? ja
Works internationally? ja
Speaks the following languages: German, English, English (British)
Accepts paid assignments? ja
Accepts unpaid assignments? ja
Has the following driving licenses: AM: moped, B: car
Hobbies Bas gitaar, old school video consoles, Grammofoon platen
Agent Performer Agency


Robert-Paul begon zijn acteer loopbaan op zijn 14e in de Tros serie 'Ik ben je moeder niet', als opleiding volgde Robert-Paul de vooropleiding ITS DNA in Amster.. Read more? Log in first


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Work experience (1)

year type genre title part director producer
2006-2008 stage other Kaukasische Krijt Kring Veldwachter Schawa Victoria Meirik Noord Nederlands Toneel

Training (1)

year type training name trainer(s)
2002-2006 Performer Toneelacademie Maastricht Yvette Fyen



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