Terms & Conditions

General conditions for users of Acteursspot.nl. The user accepts these terms and acknowledges to be familiar with these terms.


1. General:

1.1. These general conditions apply to all services provided as well as the agreements relating to profiles and subscriptions on the website and on all other services performed or offered by Acteursspot.

1.2. Acteursspot.nl is a marketplace for actors and clients. A platform that allows contact between the actor and the client without the intervention of third parties. If desired, a client can contact a selection of actors through a casting agency. When an actor has an agent, it is the responsibility of the actor to involve his or her agent in the assignment.

1.3. Users may be actors, extras, models or clients.

1.4. To extras and models the same conditions apply as to actors.


2. Actor:

2.1. The actor is responsible for the information they post on their profile. Acteursspot is entitled at any time to remove content it finds inappropriate, without explanation. Photographs and / or other information that is in conflict with legal provisions will be reported to authorities. In case of violation Acteursspot is entitled to put an account offline and / or remove it without refund of subscription fees.

2.2. The profile of the actor will only be visible when all required information is entered and the profile is activated by the actor. At any time the actor can remove or update his or her data and profile.

2.3. The actor gives permission to the client and to Acteursspot to share his or her photos and / or information with others. The actor authorizes Acteursspot to store his or her data in their database and to display it on their website and multimedia channels publicly, except for name, address and e-mail adress. Full name and e-mail address will be visible to logged in clients.

2.4. Posting copyrighted material from third parties is only allowed when permission is given by the rightholder author.

2.5. It is not allowed to publish content that incites hatred and / or is offensive to others, for example (but not limited to) the topic of religion, belief or sexual orientation.

2.6. It is not allowed to link to pornographic and / or offensive (visual) material on Acteursspot.

2.7. The profile is visible to all visitors of Acteursspot.

2.8. As a user of Acteursspot, the actor gives permission to be approached by other users of Acteursspot.


3. Subscription:

3.1. For actors, there are two types of subscriptions: A free plus subscription and a pro subscription. For clients there is only a free subscription available.

3.2. A plus subscription is indefinite and can be immediately terminated if desired, by removing the account. Paid subscriptions have a duration of 12 months and will be renewed after a new payment has been made prior to the expiration date of the current subscription.

3.3. After signing up for Acteursspot.nl the user will receive an email with a confirmation link. This confirms the registration link and redirects to the page with the two subscription options. When choosing a subscription, the notifier will be redirected to Mollie.nl which executes the payment order via iDEAL on behalf Acteursspot. Directly after payment the user can log in and use the profile and the website as described in the subscription chosen. A user who chooses the plus subscription may, after confirmation of the choice, directly log in and use the profile and the website as described in the subscription form chosen.

3.4. Acteursspot reserves the right to periodically change subscription fees. Changed subscription fees will apply to new contracts and renewing existing subscriptions subscriptions.

3.5. The agreement between the user and Acteursspot is effective immediately after registration, so the user can not invoke the right of withdrawal in accordance with the Law on distance, articles 7: 46a of the Dutch Civil Code.

3.6. After registration the email address will automatically become the username and the user may select a password with which he or she can access and use the database as described in the chosen subscription.

3.7. Prior to the expiration of the subscription Period, the actor will be notified that his or her subscription will expire. This gives the actor time to renew the subscription. An actor can remove his or her subscription at any time: When removing the account the actor is automatically unsubscribed. All data and material entered or uploaded by the actor are removed immediately. Termination prior to expiration of the period gives no right to refund of subscription fees.

3.8. If payment is not made before the beginning of a new term, the profile will be automaticly be changed into a basic package.

3.9. The user with a basic subscription does not need to take action. This subscription is valid and can be removed at all times by the actor.

3.10. Acteursspot is entitled to change subscription fees. Acteursspot will make any changes in rate clearly visible on their payment page.


4. The client:

4.1. Subscription for clients is free.

4.2. Clients are authorized to use Acteursspot.nl after their account has been approved.

4.3. The client is not entitled to use Acteursspot.nl for any purpose other than the purpose for which Acteursspot.nl is intended.

4.4. It is not allowed to use Acteursspot.nl for actions and / or behaviors that are contrary to the legal provisions.

4.5. Acteursspot is not responsible and / or liable for any information that a client shares on Acteursspot.nl.

4.6. The user is not allowed to place and/or to send unwanted advertising messages via Acteursspot.

4.7. Acteursspot is entitled at any time to remove any images and / or texts it believes to be inappropriate, without giving reasons. Photographs and / or other information that are contrary to the legal provisions shall be reported to authorities. In case of violation Acteursspot.nl take accounts offline or remove them entirely.

4.8. The client can share created groups with third parties. The client may not copy or share photo’s or information with third parties for purposes other than for which Acteursspot is intended, without the consent of the actor.


5. Mediation:

5.1. Acteursspot does not mediate between actor and client.

5.2. Acteursspot is not responsible and / or liable for any agreements made between an actor and a client.

5.3. Acteursspot is not liable for compliance or lack thereof with agreements made between the actor and the client.


6. Non-registered visitor:

6.1. An unregistered visitor may make limited use of Acteursspot.nl.

6.2. An unregistered visitor cannot contact actors.


7. Casting Call:

7.1. Acteursspot is not responsible and / or liable for the content of audition and / or casting calls and / or other calls of any kind that are shared on actor Spot.

7.2. Calls providing misleading information and / or calls that have been placed with the wrong intentions will be deleted irrevocably.

7.3. Posting copyrighted material from third parties is only allowed when permission is given by the rightholder author.

7.4. It is not allowed to publish content that incites hatred and / or is offensive to others, such as (but not limited to) posts concerning religion, belief or sexual orientation.

7.5. It is not allowed to post  or link to pornographic and / or offensive material on Acteursspot.


8. Liability:

8.1. Acteursspot cannot be held accountable for missed communication and / or possible loss of business at times, in any way whatsoever, the website Acteursspot.nl is not accessible to the user.

8.2. Acteursspot cannot be held accountable for any incorrect information supplied by the user in any form whatsoever.

8.3. Acteursspot is not responsible for not being reachable or being offline by force majeure

8.4. All data are owned by Acteursspot. Without the permission of Acteursspot no photos and / or other visual material and texts may be copied.

8.5. Acteursspot cannot be held accountable for what is posted on Acteursspot by it’s users.

8.6. Acteursspot is not liable and / or responsible for agreements made between users of Acteursspot.

8.7. Acteursspot is not responsible and / or liable for the acts and / or intentions of the user whatsoever.

8.8. Acteursspot cannot be held accountable by the user for damages arising from information and / or material posted on Acteursspot.nl.

8.9. Acteursspot is not responsible and / or liable for the loss of data due to failure on the website.


9. Acteursspot:

9.1. Acteursspot is entitled to remove and/or modify information posted by Acteursspot on Acteursspot.nl, without giving any reason and without giving notice. For example, but not limited to, the adaptation and / or modification of the design, text and / or images.

9.2. Acteursspot is entitled to make changes in the terms and conditions, in which case Acteursspot will make this known to its users.

These terms and conditions have been filed on 02-10-2013 at the Chamber of Commerce Alkmaar under number 37,129,651


Acteursspot │ Chamber of Commerce number: 37129651 VAT number │ NL.


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